Our Programs

Our program is divided into four different pillars:


For people who want to find out more about themselves, strengthen their skills, develop their personality and get rid of old topics.


Couples who want to learn how to build long-lasting satisfied relationships. A journey how two individuals can stay individuals and can create simultaneously a healthy connection. How 1+1 become 3. 


Organizations that aim to develop relevant skills and qualities for future-oriented managers, who value people as important and central design factor in the development of a company.


Training program to become gestalt counsellorFor professionals who want to deepen their self-awareness and improve their relationship skills as important key factor in successful work with people. 


Life in the modern world, with its different requirements and constant change, poses a great challenge.

We have learned to respond to the questions of life as humans are masters of adaptation and problem-solving. When needed we use the support of family, partners, colleagues, and friends. 
Still there might be situations where we feel stuck, and don't get further with our own resources. A professional support from outside could be useful then. Therapy, counseling, or coaching can be beneficial to sort out your confusions and to practice the first steps of change.
In addition to individual meetings, we also offer possibility to work in group setting. Based on research findings we can also confirm from our own experience, that group work has strong power and healing effect. In relation with others and using the experience and wisdom of the group members, strong change processes can be initiated.
The group has its own character according to the motto: the whole is something different and more than the sum of its individual parts (Christian von Ehrenfels).
Participation in a group work will be discussed individually with a trainer in a pre-meeting.


As humans we are unseparated part of a social system. Individually and society wise, we cannot survive, strive, and develop healthily without social relationships.

The quality of relationships, their proximity or distance, their normative regulations and their subjective and social meanings vary depending on socio-cultural development, economic conditions, and ethical beliefs. Western culture is more characterized by an individualistic understanding of society, seeing the individual as an autonomous entity in constant competition with others.
The most basic unit is the couple relationship.
The idea of ​​lasting love is an inner force that holds a couple relationship, where our intimate desires, dreams, and ideas ought to become real. It should satisfy our deepest needs for closeness, understanding and support. 
Soon enough we find out that a love relationship is not as simple, i.e. harmonious and idealistic, as one would like. Everyday life with work, children, elderly parents, and individual needs can make relationship difficult, even unbearable - although in the beginning both partners wished for the same things.
Autonomy and commitment
Our relationship challenges us to deal with two inseparable polarities: autonomy and commitment. How much autonomy, how much commitment is needed or necessary? How do you deal with those two apparent antipodes in everyday?
Love is a desire for unity and merging, but if the outcome is repeatedly 1+1=1, the relationship loses something valuable. We support the outcome 1+1=3, where 3 is representing something new what two people are creating together. YOU+ME=WE!
In couple counseling and courses, we aim to reach the "secret" of healthy relationship. For that you will learn to understand your inner processes to be able actively experience your relationship together.
How our behavior and emotions get triggered?
We are shaped by all what we have experienced and learned in our childhood, by our family of origin, by society through demands and limitations. Some of the learning was done explicitly and some of it implicitly. Something we still remember clearly and some of it foggier. This knowledge has continuous impact on our behavior and emotions and gets triggered in our couple relationship even when we don`t remember anymore when or how we learned it.
Therefore, it is important to see that the partner is often not the reason for our strong reaction, but a trigger. In couple school you learn how to separate today from the past, how to take responsibility for your own actions and words, how to live a relationship you really wanted.
In different courses we are dealing with following topics:
• My relationship experiences, the family of origin and my inheritance.
• Introduction to attachment theory.
• My beliefs as “fake friends”.
• Autonomy and commitment: where do I stand?
• My emotional scripts and behavior patterns: always the same! How come?
• Who am I? First, I must understand myself if I want you to understand me.
• My way of communication: thinking, expressing, understanding, acting.
• Roles and games in relationships - power or equality, blaming, shaming, victimhood etc.
• Good sex, bad sex, something in-between.
• Talk, talk, talk... - why and how?
• Relationship is work – relationship work!


Globalization and digitalisation have had a strong impact on businesses and organizations in recent decades. 

Globalization and digitalisation have had a strong impact on businesses and organizations in recent decades. New demands have shaped development, production, and marketing. The internal structures and processes of the organization have not stayed untouched by this change. Decentralization, the demand for flexibility and adaptation poses constant challenges to leadership and management.
Keeping the organization constantly changing, evolving, and learning requires knowledgeable people who are capable and ready for change. It is not possible to oversee the importance of an individual anymore. Employees are expected to have critical and analytical thinking, problem-solving skills, self-management, active learning, resilience, and stress tolerance.
Productivity is closely linked to the well-being of employees, therefore businesses need to foster a trusting environment with honest and constructive feedback and support, where mistakes are allowed and cooperation in encouraged. Employees expect a sense of community, communication and belonging.
Neuroscience research has shown that a safe environment supports learning, creativity, and intrinsic motivation processes. In contrast, management based on purely control, one-way communication and low participation leads to an inactivity and passivity in the long run. 
New types of leadership and corporate culture are needed to meet the challenges of future demands. Ecological change, migration, war - it all needs new approaches, not solutions from the past. The old ways of governing - top-down hierarchy with command and obedience, linear decision-making and social exclusion – are inhibiting the potential for creativity and responsibility.
Not only cognitive but also strong emotional and interpersonal competencies and abilities are required and expected of leaders. Creating strong leadership skills involves an integral knowledge of own strengths and weaknesses.
Courses: Developing personal skills as a leader

1. Communication and relationship skills for the manager

• Personal understanding of leadership: status quo and vision

• Relationship with yourself as a prerequisite for being a leader

o Values and purpose in work

o Attitudes and inner compass

o Sovereignty, authenticity, and integrity

o Openness and security: how to find a good balance?

o Dealing with wounds and pain

o Self-awareness: feelings, thoughts, and desires

o Space: atmosphere, resonance, field experience

o Relationship: cooperation and the social factor

o Here and now: the power of presence


The course is at the first-place experience based which makes learning deeper and long-term lasting with important changes in life. 

  • Theory is used suitably and appropriate to support the understanding of individual experiences.
  • The trainer will deliver further information for self-studying and deepening the knowledge.
  • The course will be held by theoretically and practically well-trained leader, psychotherapist and psychological counsellor with experience in single work, couples and groups and organisations. The trainer are obliged to be in regular supervision and further training.
  • With the combination of two leader in each course the individual work and the group process can be supported in a full range.  
Principles of group work
  1. A group is an independent entity with its own power. Through the group process, participants` self-development is supported by reflections and mutual challenge.
  2. Awareness here and now is the refence-point for being with oneself and another in a specific place, space, and situation. 
  3. Experiments aimed at consciously accessing specific personal topics and realizing hidden assumptions.
  4. Trying new ways of act in a safe environment. Seeing responsibility as the ability to respond to specific situations in many ways, always remaining responsible for choices we make.
  5. Understanding the concept of field where we are intertwined with each other and ecologically. Everything is related to a wider field, the part (figure) is defined by the intrinsic nature of the whole.
  6. Working holistically, because a person is an integral unity of different aspects, which combines mental (cognitive), social, psychological, bodily experiences (affect, emotions, sensations) and soul expressions. All this interdependency is considered and not been reduced to just one aspect of the person.