3-days course



F 13-18, Sat 10-18, Sun 10-14

Graniidi 1, Tallinn

Language: English

Leaders: Oliver Baiocco,

Kaire Talviste-Baiocco

early bird 70.- (until 28.02.) / later 140.-

Contact: kaire@egtc.ee

The project 2023-1-EE01-KA220-YOU-000159097i s co-financed by ERASMUS+ and it`s official name is:

Youth workers and the threat of vicarious trauma in the professional field

Course for specialists

Helping the helpers to help!

Working with burdened and traumatized clients

The aim of the course is to raise awareness, support and empower people on the topic of "trauma work and self-care". We are dealing with occupational injuries, with the risk of secondary trauma and the concept of self-care. It is about valuing existing resources, developing new skills, practising new behaviours and developing a healthy attitude.

The aim is to strengthen the individual and professional personality in line with individual and social needs. The training is meant to support specialists in reflecting, strengthening and expanding their professional role and self-esteem as a social service provider.

The training is designed as a 2.5-day workshop, which takes place over 3 consecutive days with approx. 16 teaching hours. This ensures intensive and concentrated work. As a result, disruptions caused by everyday (professional) life are excluded and the participants can focus on the subject matter, individual experiences and group processes, which can lead to a deepening of the learning processes.

The content of the training is conveyed through lectures on theoretical and empirical knowledge and through practical experiential learning. Experiential learning is understood as a circular and continuous process of experience, reflection, and application.

The program:

Introduction to basic concepts:

  1. Understanding trauma and it`s influence.
  2. Consequences for helpers: vicarious trauma, secondary traumatic stress, compassion fatigue and burnout.
  3. Psychodynamics: theories and models, identification and assessment.

Prevention and self-care strategies:

  1. Risk and resources.
  2. Definition and description of self-care.
  3. Analysis of the status quo: "How do I cope with stressful situations?"
  4. Self-care plan.

Self-care and organization: trauma and self-care informed organization:

  1. Primary, secondary trauma and self-care informed organisation
  2. Elements of a “informed organisation”
  3. Limits and resistances
  4. Individual action plan for supporting an organisational change

Methodology is based on a humanistic/ Gestalt approach.

  1. Lectures
  2. Active methods. Group dynamics, role-play, psychodrama and experiential exercises to engage participants actively in learning.
  3. Practical emphasis: guided practices and case studies to provide practical experience and practical application of theoretical knowledge.


  • Oliver Baiocco: Gestalt and Body Therapist, Trauma Therapist, Counsellor, Social Scientist, M.Sc. (DVG, EAGT).
  • Kaire Talviste-Baiocco: Gestalt Psychotherapist, Trauma therapist, Sexologist, writer, M.A (EGPÜ, EAGT, EAP).

 Registration, withdrawal and cancellation

Enrollment for the training is confirmed by the payment of the course fee by the participant.

Withdrawal from a course, seminar or workshop must always be made in writing. Withdrawal from all events is possible free of charge up to 15 days before the start of the event. In the event of later withdrawal, up to 7 days before the start of the event, a cancellation fee of 50% of the participation fee will be charged. In the event of withdrawal/cancellation within less than 7 days before the start, or in the event of non-registration and non-attendance at the course, seminar or workshop, the full participation fee must be paid.

The cancellation fee is waived if the participant nominates a substitute participant who is suitable for the target group, attends the event and pays the participation fee. The participant accepts these conditions by registering for the event.

Come and join the course!