

Gestalt psühhoterapeut

Loe lisaks
Gestalt Psychotherapist Founder, leader and trainer of the EGTC

Social Science (MA)

  • Clinical Gestalt psychotherapist (Denmark)
  • Organizational Consultant and Coach
  • Different further education/ workshops in e.g.:Couple-Therapy (Integrative Method; FPI Germany)
  • Advanced International Training – A Gestalt Therapy Field Approach to Development and Psychopathology

(2019 – 2023; HCC Italy)

  • “Relational Interventions for New Psychopathologies in a Post-Pandemic World” – Specialized 2-year-online program for crisis interventions in times of pandemics
  • Specialization in trauma and victims of violence 
Fields of works

  • Gestalt-therapist, Counsellor, and Coach in private practise (working with children, youth, grown-ups in individual, couple and family settings)
  • Lecturer – Further Training

What is your personal stance/ attitude in work?

Curiosity. To understand what is hidden in the first, but needs to be seen, touched, recognized, and released.

What is the most important aspect in Gestalt for you?

The most amazing aspect for me is the potential of Gestalt therapy. It guides people to connect with oneself to become whole again. Existentially this is the most valuable gift we can make for ourselves and what we own to ourselves to live up to our full potential. “A truly whole person has to have good guidance and also the ability to act.”

-Fritz Perls-



Task at EGTC

Lecturing, Therapist, Management 


Gestalt Therapist

Gestalt Therapist Founder, leader and trainer of the EGTC

Social Science (MSc)

  • Gestalt Therapy (Certificate)
  • Integrative Body Therapy (Fritz-Perls-Institute Germany)
  • Coaching in Organizations
  • Psycho-Social counselling (Fern-Universität Hagen und DGVT)
  • Different further education/ workshops in e.g.:Couple-Therapy (Integrative Method; FPI Germany)
  • Advanced International Training – A Gestalt Therapy Field Approach to Development and Psychopathology (2019 – 2023; HCC Italy)
  • “Relational Interventions for New Psychopathologies in a
  • Post-Pandemic World” – Specialized 2-year-online program for crisis
  • interventions in times of pandemics
  • Mediation – Alternative conflict deliberation)
  • Roleplay-Pedagogy and Scenic-group-procedures
Fields of works
  • Gestalt-therapist, Counsellor and Coach in private practise
  • 20 years working in social enterprises: Project Manager, Director, and Department manager
  • Lecturer – Further Training
What is your personal stance/ attitude in work?

“Every person’s life is worth a novel” (Erving Polster). 

In practice, a new world emerges with each client – and I have the honour of witnessing the clients’ stories and struggles to survive and live well. In all these stories I see suffering as an attempt to achieve peace and liberation. I do not judge or give good advice, but try to fully accept how and what the client shows in his/her individuality.

His/her pain and suffering, his/her “strangeness” is his/her individual way of dealing with life, a result of myriads of attempts of actions, thoughts and feelings in a wide network of relating to the world. 

Therefore, my work does not only focus on the individual, but at the same time includes the environment, the being-in-life. My work is strongly relational: I am connected to the client, to our biography, to our socio-cultural base – therapy is relational co-creation in a shared field. 

What is the most important aspect in Gestalt for you?

I have recently been newly influenced by the phenomenological and field-based approach of Gestalt therapy, which has been further developed in recent years. This includes the question of who exactly I am in the practice space and what my role is. As a trained social scientist, I am quite good at analysing and rationalising. But my clients have taught me that while my mind can be very useful, it is not sufficient for the world I am in with my client. My client and I create a new space where we co-create a world, questions, understanding, perceptions and feelings. We are also together in pain, suffering, hope and despair. Without losing myself, I try to immerse myself in this new world and together with the client understand the meaning of subjective suffering and develop perspectives.


DVG, EAGT (Member of the General Board) 

Task at EGTC

Lecturing, Therapist, Management 


Eesti Gestalt & Koolituskeskuse asutajad

Me kohtusime Milanos, Itaalias, rahvusvahelisel täiendkoolitusel „Gestaltteraapia valdkonna lähenemine arengule ja psühhopatoloogiale“. Jagame veendumust, et psühhoterapeudi, nõustaja või treenerina ei ole inimese õppimise teekond kunagi lõppenud; see on pidev, elukestev protsess, mis hõlmab teoreetilisi teadmisi, praktilisi oskusi ja, mis kõige tähtsam, sügavalt isiklikku järelemõtlemise ja enesearengu teed.

On olnud uskumatu kogemus kohtuda ja teha koostööd tuntud gestaltterapeutidega üle maailma. Meil on erinevad erialased taustad, meid siduvaks on gestaltteraapia. See võimaldab meil tugineda mitmesugustele töökogemustele sidudes varasemad teadmised gestaldiga, teraapiasuunaga, mis on rakendatav laiemalt kui ainult psühhoteraapias.

„Gestalt ei ole lihtne tehnika,“ nagu ütles kunagi selle rajaja Fritz Perls. „Gestalt on kunst.“ See on maailma tajumise ja mõistmise viis, elamisviis. Eksistentsiaalne ja humanistlik gestalt on sügavalt pühendunud üksikisikute terviklikule toetamisele nende isiklikus kasvus, võttes neid omaks sellisena, nagu nad on, mitte sellisena, nagu nad peaksid olema. Aktsepteerides seda, mis on, saame realiseerida, millised me tahame olla.

See võib tunduda lihtne, kuid selle elamine nõuab julgust, pühendumust ja vastupidavust. Lähtudes oma kogemustest ja sügavast pühendumusest inimeste toetamisel, rajasime Eesti esimese gestaltkoolituskeskuse.

Me teostame oma ühist unistust ja visiooni: luua ruumi arenguks, mõistmiseks, loovuseks, kogukonnatundeks ja toetuseks. Ühes kolleegidega Eestist ja välismaalt pakume võimalust rikastada oma elu ja muuta see intensiivsemaks, elades lõpuks moel, mis on tõeliselt rikastav.

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